Marie Curie Speaks To Ukraine by Beth Blair

This Play is the copyright of the Author and must NOT be Performed without the Author's PRIOR consent

A sidewalk in Warsaw, Poland

A young Marie Curie (Manya) and her sister Helena walk to corner store

Two Russian soldiers flag them down for questioning

ALEX: You two! Get over here, NOW!

MAX: Yes, Hurry it up!


HELENA: Manya, stop talking to me in Polish! You know the soldiers hate Polish. Speak Russian. And, when the soldiers speak to you, you must answer. Please don't be shy today.

They will try to influence you because you are so young. So, don't be surprised if they question you and not me. Think on your feet, Manya, and don't be scared. You must be brave today.

MANYA: Okay. But, Helena . . .

ALEX: HURRY UP! Why should we wait on two silly girls?

MAX: You were speaking Polish to each over there, weren't you?

MANYA: Uh, I ..., we ...

MAX: So, you were! Do you know what happens to children who speak Polish in this city?

MANYA: Yes, I . . . I do . . .

HELENA: She knows. Please, sir. We WERE speaking Russian. My sister is very shy. She doesn't talk much at all, to anyone, but she will tell YOU, won't you, Manya, that we were speaking Russian.

We were telling each other how we were going to jump rope with our sister Bronya when we got home from the store. Right, Manya? . . . Tell them, Manya. Tell them, now.

MANYA: Uh . . .

ALEX: Speak up, girl.

MANYA: Yes, that's . . . right.

ALEX: LOUDER. I can't hear you.

MANYA catches her and breath and her courage and begins to speak loudly and fluently

MANYA: Yes. We were talking in Russian about jumping rope, just as soon as we got back to the house. As a matter of fact, I love speaking Russian, and I practice it all the time. (Beat.) Would you like for me to speak more Russian to you right now? I can name all the Russian cities, for you, the great Russian poets, the . . .

HELENA: All right, Manya. That's enough. Nyet. (Beat.) See there. You've turned her into an obnoxious little chatterbox. This is really great. All I need is a mouthy little sister!

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