Dream a Little Dream of Me by Katie DiPietro

This Play is the copyright of the Author and must NOT be Performed without the Author's PRIOR consent



A Play in 2 Acts


K. DiPietro

Cast of Characters:
(In alphabetical order)

CHANCELLOR: (m./f.) Stoic, frank, extreme and serious leader of the “free world.” Sibling to Rose. Note: character is written as female in the published script in accordance with original casting.

Dr. Knollby: (m./f.) Antagonistic, cold and calculating psychiatrist for the Hegemon. Note: character is written as female in the published script in accordance with original casting.

Ellie: (f.) Sweet but troubled patient of DR. KNOLLBY. Sister to STEPHEN. A dancer, naive, an easy target.

GENERAL: (m./f.) Strong and intense leader of the Hegemon military. Confidant to the CHANCELLOR. Note: character is written as female in the published script in accordance with original casting.

Mae: (f.) Mysterious and dynamic schemer. Manipulative and charismatic love interest to STEPHEN. Beautiful, passionate, and untrustworthy.

ROSE: (f.) Bright, bubbly, energetic scientist with the Hegemon. Brilliant inventor of System Block Medication. Sibling to the CHANCELLOR. Wife to STEPHEN.

STEPHEN: (m.) Conflicted and curious patient of DR. KNOLLBY. A passionate dreamer and love interest to MAE. Husband to ROSE.

[The CHANCELLOR, DR. KNOLLBY, ROSE, AND (GENERAL) can be cast as any gender. Pronouns can be changed for performance purposes, as casting indicates. Pronouns and names can be changed at the discretion of the production team for these characters. The roles of The CHANCELLOR, DR. KNOLLBY, ROSE AND (GENERAL)are written as female in this script in accordance with original casting.]


In a “not-so-distant” future, where the government (Hegemon) has a more sinister level of control over the people, the capital city is poised for a rebellion.


The “not-so-distant” future, after the third and fourth world wars.


The production is meant to be presented as a multi-media piece. Most scenes should be accompanied by tracks or live musicians. Tracks/music can be chosen at the director’s discretion. Music suggestions have been added into the script for reference.


SETTING: A sterile and cold psychiatrist office in the capital city.

AT RISE: STEPHEN and DR. KNOLLBY sit opposite each other. DR. KNOLLBY stares quietly at STEPHEN with an open notebook on her laap. A large camera is noticeable in the corner. A bright red light is visible on the camera, indicating that it is recording this session.

DR. KNOLLBY: Start from the beginning, STEPHEN.

STEPHEN: Why? What’s the point?

DR. KNOLLBY: STEPHEN, you know the deal. I can only help you if you are honest.

STEPHEN: Why do I need help?

DR. KNOLLBY: You know that answer.

STEPHEN: You told me I was cured. You told me I wouldn’t see her anymore; that I was no longer a threat.

DR. KNOLLBY: Just start from the beginning, STEPHEN.

STEPHEN: It’s not fair.

DR. KNOLLBY: I know.

STEPHEN: It was just like always. I fell asleep quickly. It was dark. I mean, it’s always dark. That must be something that they put in the pills. You know that feeling when we first fall asleep, Doc? - that feeling where the whole world didn’t go away, but it’s blank and covered up? Why did they design the pill that way? Do we see more when we’re asleep? Was it dangerous? I mean, how dangerous could we really be?


STEPHEN: I know! I know. I’m not supposed to talk about that.

DR. KNOLLBY: Just tell me what happened.

STEPHEN: Well, she came out of nowhere. Well, not “nowhere,” really. She came out of the corner, like she was falling out of a curtain. She was wearing nothing special - just a dress. Her hair was down.

DR. KNOLLBY: Were you afraid?

STEPHEN: No. I’m never afraid with her.

DR. KNOLLBY: What did she say to you?

[STEPHEN pauses for a long time. He looks uncomfortable]


STEPHEN: She told me to listen.

DR. KNOLLBY: To what?

STEPHEN: I don’t know.

DR. KNOLLBY: Think hard, STEPHEN. Did you hear anything?

STEPHEN: No - just silence, and my heartbeat. You know, I’d forgotten how quiet everything was when I’m sleeping. In dreams, I kind of feel like I can choose to hear whatever I want. I can hear a heartbeat or an idea or the wind breathing. It’s amazing. I can’t imagine why it’s dangerous.

DR. KNOLLBY: STEPHEN, you know you’re on camera.

STEPHEN: Fine. I heard nothing.

DR. KNOLLBY: Dig deeper, STEPHEN. Really listen.

STEPHEN: She didn’t say anything. It was almost like she was on “mute.” Her mouth was moving but there wasn’t any noise.

[DR. KNOLLBY scribbles a few notes in the notebook]

DR. KNOLLBY: Interesting. This is good, STEPHEN. What else did you notice?

STEPHEN: She reached out to me like she wanted me to go somewhere, but I couldn’t move. I was locked in place.

DR. KNOLLBY: Good. That’s good.

STEPHEN: Doc, I don’t feel well, and I don’t have anything else to say. Do I need to stay?

DR. KNOLLBY: Well, I can’t make you share. If you’d like to go, you may. But just know that your monitored session will be flagged as uncooperative if you leave early.

STEPHEN: That’s fine.

DR. KNOLLBY: Alright. You can go.

[STEPHEN rises from the chair and starts for the door]

DR. KNOLLBY: STEPHEN, wait. I’ve decided to increase your dose. It sounds like you’re finally able to be “locked,” but unfortunately, you aren’t yet able to turn everything off. Just take a second pill before bedtime. I’ll see you again on Thursday.

STEPHEN: (cold) Thank you, Doctor.

[Exit Stephen. Dr. Knolby turns on the radio and listens intently while pacing the office.]

Reporter: “... proves that the medical protocol has finally yielded substantial results. With support from the international Hegemon, the southern hemisphere has published the results of the five-year trial of the system block medication to unprecedented results.

Doctor being interviewed: We really couldn’t be happier. When the Chancellor suggested that all international communities participate in the System Block protocol after publishing the results of the Northern Regions of Sector 5 more than 3 years ago, international leaders knew that it would be nothing more than a gamble to roll out the mandatory system on a global scale. It seems that the System Block has been able to provide undeniably positive results in regard to social and political venues.

Reporter: Crime rates are down 93% in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. With this new information, more countries under the Hegemon are agreeing to the Chancellor’s proposed unity of the medication protocol. Sectors 6, and 9 have agreed to sign the contract with the Hegemon to receive assistance in providing the System Block medication permanently to the last remaining unaffected areas on the globe.

CHANCELLOR: All people should be free from their subconscious mind. Considering the way that the third and fourth world wars used technology to manipulate the subconscious minds of millions, I am proud to recognize the amazing advancements in peace that are made possible by the System Block Medication. By allowing our international citizens to be in control of only their conscious minds, they are no longer slaves to the wild musing of dreams. SBM is the way of the future.


SETTING: A small and clean sitting room in Stephen and Rose’s home.

AT RISE: Rose is reading quietly in the sitting room. Enter Stephen.

STEPHEN: Oh! ROSE. I didn’t know you were going to be home. Weren’t you having lunch with your sister?

ROSE: (playfully) Well, “The CHANCELLOR” was very busy. She didn’t have a lot of time to talk.

STEPHEN: Oh. Alright.

ROSE: Are you all right, handsome? Something bothering you? How was your session with DR. KNOLLBY?

STEPHEN: I’m not allowed to talk about that.

ROSE: Babe, you can tell me. I’m your wife.

STEPHEN: It’s just best to keep it to myself.

ROSE: Well, ok. If you’re sure you don’t want to talk… Hey! What do you want for dinner? We could go out or I could make you something…

STEPHEN: (cutting Rose off) I’m a little tired, ROSEY. I think I might just take a nap.

ROSE: Well, your pills are next to the bed.

[Exit STEPHEN. The phone rings and ROSE picks it up]

Rose: Hello? [pause]
• Oh yes, Hi- How’s everything at the lab? [pause]
• Resisting the dose, huh? [pause]
• Well, what have you tried? DNA testing? [pause]
• (thoughtfully) “No obvious cause” ... Well, we have to figure this out. Maybe it’s something genetic. If we’re noticing it in our animal subjects, that might mean there’s a flaw in the formula. You know what, I’ll be right down.

[ROSE hangs up the phone and starts collecting her things to leave. Enter STEPHEN, holding a bottle of pills]

STEPHEN: Where are you off to?

ROSE: Just a problem at the lab. It looks like we’re still having some trouble with one of our test subjects.

STEPHEN: What kind of problem?

ROSE: Oh, nothing I can talk about in detail. I’m just going to run down there and see if I can help.

STEPHEN: Alright, I’ll see you when you get home. I love you.

ROSE: I love you too, Honey! Bye!

[Exit ROSE. STEPHEN sits on the couch, takes his pills, lies down, and falls into a restless sleep.

As the lights fade, music begins to fill the room (Jazz Standard: Deep in a Dream of You). During the music, MAE and STEPHEN follow the directions associated with each line of music below]

"Lyric" --- [Associated Action]

Musical Interlude (approx. 15 seconds) --- [STEPHEN rolls over restlessly and reaches over to pick up a pack of cigarettes, looking sleepily around the room. ]

"I dim all the lights and I sink in my chair" --- [STEPHEN lights a cigarette]
"The smoke from my cigarette climbs through the air" --- [STEPHEN leans back on the couch]
"The walls of my room fade away in the blue" --- [STEPHEN takes a deep drag of his cigarette]
"And I'm deep in a dream of you" --- [STEPHEN exhales a cloud of smoke]
"The smoke makes a stairway for you to descend" --- [Enter MAE from “the corner”]
"You come to my arms, may this bliss never end" --- [STEPHEN looks calmly over at her]
"For we love anew just as we used to do" --- [MAE slowly walks to STEPHEN]
"When I'm deep in a dream of you" --- [MAE puts her hand on STEPHEN’s shoulder]
"Then from the ceiling, sweet music comes stealing" --- [MAE and STEPHEN are still]
"We glide through a lover's refrain, you're so appealing" --- [STEPHEN kisses MAE’s hand]
"That I'm soon revealing my love for you over again" --- [MAE holds STEPHEN’s face gently, kisses him on the cheek]
"My cigarette burns me, I wake with a start" --- [MAE gently ruffles STEPHEN’s hair]
"My hand isn't hurt, but there's pain in my heart" --- [MAE slowly walks back to “the corner” as STEPHEN watches]
"Awake or asleep, ev'ry mem'ry I'll keep" --- [STEPHEN puts out his cigarette]
"Deep in a dream of you" --- [STEPHEN lies back down and closes his eyes. Exit MAE.]


SETTING: A sterile and cold psychiatrist office in the capital city.

AT RISE: STEPHEN and DR. KNOLLBY sit opposite each other. DR. KNOLLBY stares quietly at STEPHEN with an open notebook on her laap. A large camera is noticeable in the corner. A bright red light is visible on the camera, indicating that it is recording this session.

DR KNOLLBY: What do you remember, STEPHEN?



STEPHEN: Yes, music. We hardly listen to it, anymore.

DR. KNOLLBY: No, I suppose we don’t.

STEPHEN: Maybe it’s because no one’s made any new music in years. At least they haven’t recorded it in years.

DR. KNOLLBY: You sound upset, STEPHEN.

STEPHEN: I don’t know why we can’t make music anymore. It’s not dangerous.

DR. KNOLLBY: Music is perfectly allowed, STEPHEN.

STEPHEN: No, I mean, we can’t make it anymore. No one has created anything since the pills.

DR. KNOLLBY: mmhmm...

[DR. KNOLLBY scribbles notes in the notebook]

DR. KNOLLBY: I’m sensing that you’re feeling something deeper than just a “loss of music.” What’s really going on, here?

STEPHEN: Nothing’s “going on.” I’m not trying to make some political statement about life and the arts. I’m just making an observation.

[STEPHEN and DR. KNOLLBY sit in silence for a short time. DR. KNOLLBY stares quietly at STEPHEN. STEPHEN stares at his hands]

STEPHEN: I’m sorry. I’m just a little tired.

DR. KNOLLBY: Didn’t sleep well?

[STEPHEN glances at the camera]

STEPHEN: I slept fine.

DR. KNOLLBY: Did you dream again, STEPHEN?

STEPHEN: I didn’t try to.

DR. KNOLLBY: But you did dream again.

[DR. KNOLLBY scribbles notes in the notebook]

DR. KNOLLBY: Did you dream of her again?

STEPHEN: Do we have to talk about this?

DR. KNOLLBY: Well, you can choose to walk away, again, but you’ll receive another “uncooperative” flag for your session. You remember that you are only allowed ten of those flags. Once you surpass that...

STEPHEN: (cutting DR. KNOLLBY off) Yes! I know! I was listening to the detective when he told me.

DR. KNOLLBY: I would recommend that you start trying a little honesty, STEPHEN. This won’t end well for you unless you turn things around.

STEPHEN: Why is this happening to me?

DR. KNOLLBY: That’s what we’re here to find out.

STEPHEN: I was smoking.

DR. KNOLLBY: You don’t smoke, anymore.

STEPHEN: I seem to smoke in my dreams. It’s always very calm. It’s always very real.

DR. KNOLLBY: Did you increase your dose like I asked on Monday?

STEPHEN: I did exactly what you said. Maybe I’m just built wrong. My wife hasn’t had a dream since her first dose. She’s so calm when she sleeps. She wakes up rested. I’m just stuck.

DR. KNOLLBY: The subconscious is very sensitive, Stephen. It’s one of the reasons why the Hegemon used so many resources to relieve people of that burden. The effects were crushing. They only woke the last of the prisoners a few years ago. Each of those people were just as technically sane as you. It’s for your own good.

STEPHEN: I know that.

DR. KNOLLBY: What do you remember, STEPHEN?


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