A Punch Line by I. M. Kidding

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This Book is the copyright of the Author and may not copied or sold without the Author's prior consent



You can kill Punch. You can beat him, you can knock him, you can
thrash him. You can put him away and lock him up. You can try to
forget him. But root-to-to-to-to-too-it, he'll be back again and sing
the old song.

I can see your face looking puzzled.

Root-to-to - WHAT?

Yes…that's how I introduced myself thousands of times. Perhaps
millions. And all my audiences knew immediately that Mister Punch was
about to show the world a trick or two. But I don't want to brag! I leave that
to the people who think they have something to brag about. Conceited fools!
Do they really think that any of us is better than anyone else?


I hear you exclaim.


Then let me tell you. It means…it means…actually, it means nothing. Or everything.
It's your choice. Or it's just a bit of nonsense. Like so much other nonsense. We think
there must be something interesting hidden behind it, but it's really just nonsense.

Don't we all fall much too often into that trap?

But, of course, we can be excused. There are some very good conmen
who make us believe they know the secret behind the nonsense. Not to
forget the conwomen. And because a lot of them live in high places,
like parliaments, executive suits of businesses, etc., we get fooled.

When I think of these rascals, my hitting stick starts to twitch
and turn. It's obviously getting ready to sock and flog someone.
I'd better calm down! I have to reserve my energy for more
important things! After all, I'm going to tell you about my life.

Let me start with my introduction to the epilogue.

Hello there, masters of slaves of old and new! Punch is going on
kicking, as long as I have air in my legs and muscles in my lungs.
Now you know why I start with an epilogue. What good is an
introduction? An introduction to what? To the dilemma of a few hundred
(or thousand) years?

Or worse! What shall I do with a foreword? Words alone cannot
override what happened and happens, not fore, not after, not in
between. We need actions as well!

An epilogue it has to be. Because the story goes on before it even
started. There is no end to the little man with the crooked nose.
Hitting out against everyone who is even more crooked than the nose.
And against all those who are bathing in their own glory. Especially
when they are using water that doesn't belong to them.

True - true! In the coming chapters I will tell you my history,
from the beginning till now. But it doesn't end there. This book goes
on living and a new page is somewhere written every day.

On occasions nothing happens. Then I close my book and look in
anger at the lukewatm establishment of mediocrity.

But root-to-to-to-to-too-it!

Times always change and the underdog starts barking again. Samson
is pulling down the “pillars of society”. They have been high and
mighty for long enough. Let them crumble to dust, so that all
sandcorns are once more the same.

It's time to look for a new direction. If everybody followed my
advice, we would end up with a lot of little Punches. But then, that
would cut out all the fun. Who could we beat up?

Written in the year “forever” and dedicated to all those who love a
trick or two.

Mr. Punch

[end of extract]

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