
W.H. Auden & Christopher Isherwood Plays & Other Dramatic Writings 1928-1938



Published by Faber & Faber

This scholarly volume contains all the dramatic works of Auden's early years. It includes the three Auden-Isherwood plays - "The Dog Beneath the Skin", "The Ascent of F6" and "On the Frontier", and plays written by Auden alone - "Paid on Both Sides" and "The Dance of Death". The text and notes include unpublished poems and scenes written for each of the plays, with the ending Auden wrote for the first production of "The Dog Beneath the Skin". Two previously unpublished plays are included - "The Enemies of a Bishop" and "The Chase", as are the surviving fragments of another play, "The Fronny". This volume is the first in a projected complete edition of Auden's works.

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