
Feathers in the Snow

Philip Ridley

Published by Methuen

Large Mixed Cast
Beneath a sky full of stars a decision is made

This decision sets off an astonishing chain of events ...

... a journey involving a talking leopard, a greedy King, a magical bird, a tidal wave, a Sea Witch, a lost soldier, a devious dolphin, a war

And a trail of feathers in the snow ...

Feathers in the Snow, a family show by acclaimed playwright and children's author Philip Ridley, is an epic story of magic and migration

Covering over five hundred years - and with a huge cast - it explores how stories give meaning to random events and of our constant need to find somewhere we call 'home'

"Ridley's storytelling combines the fantastical and the down to earth, and leavens the darkness with humour ... like all Ridley's work, it's distinctively different, never patronising its young audience, and it celebrates the power of storytelling to see us through the darkest times" ~ Lyn Gardner, Guardian

"The story has an epic structure ... gripping, confronting issues such as the unreliability of historians. Children around me seemed attentive, fascinated, serious" ~ Libby Purves, The Times

Browse Library

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