
Eagle Hills Eagle Ridge Eagle Landing

Eagle Hills Eagle Ridge Eagle Landing

Brett Neveu

Published by Broadway Play Publishing

3 Male 0 Female

"The first half of the play follows a night of Kevin, Andy, and Mike's barroom chatter

Neveu gets it exactly right - the staccato rhythm, the pregnant pauses, the sheer sad triviality of the whole empty conversation that too many of us have every night with our buddies after work

Mike, a bit dim but endlessly eager, repeats soundbites that he's heard or misheard, these substitutes for actual ideas keeping the conversation flowing

Andy is the go-getter who says all the right things, drops all the right names, thinks all the right thoughts. (Neveu captures his voice brilliantly, especially the endless stream of buzzwords-names of people and places that we are instantly able to peg from their context)" ~ Martin Denton

" ... a remarkably fresh and witty piece of writing" ~ Chris Jones, The Chicago Tribune

Browse Library

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