
Baby With the Bathwater


Christopher Durang

Published by Dramatists Play Service

2 Male 3 Female

As the play begins Helen and John gaze proudly at their new offspring, a bit disappointed that it doesn't speak English and too polite to check its sex

So they decide that the child is a girl and name it Daisy - which leads to all manner of future emotional and personality problems when it turns out that Daisy is actually a boy

Thereafter, in a series of brilliantly theatrical and wildly hilarious scenes, the saga of Daisy's struggle to establish his identity continues, despite his parents' growing obliviousness

At the outset there is a zany nanny who gives him a lethal toy to play with; then the small problem of Daisy's penchant, as a toddler, for throwing himself in front of buses; then his bizarre problems in school

Finally, the sessions with his analyst enable him, at last, to accept his maleness and stop wearing dresses

In the end the play comes full circles as the former Daisy and his young bride fondly regard their own baby-forgiving of the past but determined not to repeat its calamitous mistakes

" a typical example of his dangerous wit and anarchic sense of humor" - NY Post

" one of the funniest dramatists alive, and one of the most sharply satiric" - The New Yorker

" he conquers bitterness and finds a way to turn rage into comedy that is redemptive as well as funny" - NY Times

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